Incubator 4 Anothertime (12 minutes, 2023) comprises the soft sculpture Trigger and is a multimedia audiovisual installation made of hundreds of highly saturated and individually edited frames documenting a glitchy, non-linear and disorienting journey from both the visible to the invisible/the macro and micro experience of fertilisation, caring and blooming stages of intimate relations. It offers itself as a temporary space for expansive kinship beyond human and non-human relations and invite guests to imagine potential for queerer futurities.

Through the use of soft sculpture, tactile and three-dimensional elements invited viewers to engage with the pieces on a sensory level. Video and sound became integral components in my artistic process, enabling me to explore new dimensions of storytelling and conceptualisation. They provided a dynamic medium to enhance the visual and auditory aspects of my work, allowing me to communicate complex associations and evoke a range of emotions.

Drawing from Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble and Cruising Utopia by José Esteban Muñoz and born from written personal texts that followed extensive reading and collaborative research with Dr. Lizzie Reed (University of Southampton), it offered itself as an imaginarium to overcome IVF trauma and the shocking limits of the traditional, coercively gendered, patriarchal nuclear family.

It was first shown as the main outcome of a year spent at Open School East as associate artist (2022-2023) in Margate, and part of the exhibition We Danced Until There Was Nothing Left, curated by Maggie Matic.

A collaboration with: Berne, George Paris, Dr. Lizzie Reed

Trigger (150 cm x 50 cm): Drawing from the ever present experience of hormonal injections in the artist’s lived experience of infertility and IVF treatment, Trigger is the soft sculpture of a mutated syringe that interconnects motifs borrowed from the biomedical, to that of social taboos and psychological ‘triggers’ entwined in family-making questioning the narrow views of reproduction that breed injustice, trauma and exclusion.

Below: A series of still frames from the installation


Critters Among the Ruins


The Elusive Good Egg